Series DW-WIFI Wireless Wi-Fi Data Logger

Series DW-WIFI Wireless Wi-Fi Data Logger

Model DL-8T 8-Channel Temperature Logger

Thermocouple Input, User Configurable, 12-Bit Resolution

Monitor and record temperature in eight different locations with the Model DL-8T Temperature Logger. The DL-8T has a built-in sensor for local temperature monitoring and accepts seven external thermocouples in types J, K, T, S, or E. The unit features 12-bit resolution for greater accu- racy and more precise measurements. The DL-8T is self-powered by a long-life lithium battery that will provide years of reliable operation. Quick- ly configure the logger using the Windows® software (sold separately). The DL-8T can store over a million readings with up to 25 samples per second. The stored data can be remotely accessed using a modem. The logger is network capable and can be programmed for alarm dial- out.

Starting at $2,443.50
Grouped product items
Model Description Availability* Qty Price
DL-8T 8-channel temperature logger. 8-9 Weeks*


No. of Channels:
Eight; One for internal thermistor and seven for external T/C inputs.
Internal Thermistor Range:
-40 to 158°F (-40 to 70°C).
Memory Size:
1,048,000 readings.
±1% of full scale.
Clock Accuracy:
±8 seconds per day plus one sampling interval.
Sampling Methods:
Continuous (first-in, first-out) or stop when full (fill- then-stop).
Sampling Rates:
Selectable from 0.04 seconds to once every 8 hours.
Ambient Operating Temperature:
-50 to 160°F (-45 to 70°C), 0 to 95% RH, non-condensing.
Removable screw terminal.
Computer Requirements:
IBM compatible running Windows® 3.1, Windows® 95, Windows® 98, Windows® 2000, Windows® ME, Windows® NT, or Windows® XP.
Power Requirements:
Built-in 3.6V Lithium battery.
Housing Materials:
5 oz (110 g).
Agency Approvals:

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