Static Pressure Tips & Accessories
Senses Static Pressure
These sensors are for use with manometers, Magnehelic® gages, pressure switches, and other controllers to pick up or sense static pressure drop across air filters and cooling coils, blower input, discharge pressures, etc. The angled tips shown have 4" insertion depth. Each has four radially drilled .040" sensing holes. All except Model A-303 mount in 3/8" hole in duct. For portable use, a magnet holds No. A-303 in place. No. A-305 is used where a very low actuation or sensing point is required on a pressure switch or gage or where response time is critical. No. A-307 and A-308 are suitable for use in low-velocity systems or where the need for accuracy is less critical.
Starting at $2.30
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- Question
- How do I hook up my Magnehelic® gage for an air velocity application with a pitot tube?
- Answer
- In our Application Guides on flow products, we explain very well how to take air velocity readings. The total pressure connection on the pitot tube is connected to one of the high pressure ports on the gage. The other high pressure port is plugged. The static pressure connection on the pitot tube is connected to one of the low pressure ports on the gage. The other low pressure port is plugged.
- Question
- Trying to measure differential pressure between OSA and indoors. Using transmitters with a range of +25pa to -25pa. Monitoring pressure variations occur from basically 0pa to 20pa over a short period of time (15 to 30 sec) Building is basically closed during testing, suspect OSA fluctuating due to winds? eddy currents etc. Any ideas, Building under positive pressure is critical for safety reasons Any ideas?
- Answer
- Whenever you are using outside air for a static pressure reference, fluctuations in outside conditions can cause erratic differential pressure readings. By using one of our outdoor static reference probes, you can diminish the influence of outdoor weather on your reading.
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