From hockey puck solid state relays to intrinsically safe relays to electromechanical relays to power relays and Ice Cube relays, each relay can handle different amounts of amps.
- Series SSR Solid State RelaySolid State Relay amplifies the current handling capability of a var ...Starting at $200.65
- Series 62 Hockey Puck Solid State RelayHockey Puck Solid State Relay features a terminal cover and LED stat ...Starting at $65.85
- Series 820 DIN Rail Mountable Time Delay RelayDIN Rail Mountable Time Delay Relay can be configured in accordance ...Starting at $154.15
- Series 750H Hermetically Sealed RelayHermetically Sealed Relay is designed to be used in hazardous locati ...Starting at $75.10
- Series 199 Open Style Power RelaysOpen Style Power Relays are designed for high AC and DC current appl ...Starting at $71.45
- Series 725 Power RelayPower Relay are designed to switch high current loads in the most de ...Starting at $15.66
- Series 781 SPDT Ice Cube RelaysSPDT Ice Cube Relays is a full-featured SPDT relay that can be used ...Starting at $17.60
- Series 782 DPDT Ice Cube RelaysDPDT Ice Cube Relays is a full-featured DPDT relay that can be used ...Starting at $19.90
- Series 783 3PDT Ice Cube Relays3PDT Ice Cube Relays is a full-featured 3PDT relay that can control ...Starting at $29.10
- Series 784 4PDT Ice Cube Relays4PDT Ice Cube Relays are full-featured 4PDT relay that can be used t ...Starting at $53.85
- Series 782H Hermetically Sealed Ice Cube RelaysHermetically Sealed Ice Cube Relays are suitable for switching up to ...Starting at $150.35
- Series 3868 Tell Tale Jr.™ Open Heater DetectorTell Tale Jr.™ Open Heater Detector is designed to indicate an ope ...Starting at $93.40