Gages, Dial
Dial indicators for single pressure. Dial gages have innovative designs and some products are meant for low pressure while others have multiple ranges or are a combination instrument. The high-precision, milled-teeth movements and pinion and bearing surface, provide the user with top of the line low pressure instruments.
- Series SGO Stainless Steel Schaeffer GageStainless Steel Schaeffer Gage has ranges in vacuum and compound. Appl ...Starting at $173.75
- Series LPG4 2.5" Low Pressure Gage2.5" Low Pressure Gage has an innovative design that has high-precisio ...Starting at $64.75
- Series LPG3 Low Pressure GageLow Pressure Gage are designed to be sensitive and meant for low pre ...Starting at $28.60
- Series TRI Tridicator GageTridicator Gage is a combination of a pressure gage and a thermomete ...Starting at $19.98
- Series SG1 1.5" Industrial Pressure Gage1.5" Industrial Pressure Gage is used in applications that need to be ...Starting at $4.31
- Series SG3 1.5" Industrial Pressure Gage1.5" Industrial Pressure Gage cover a wide variety of ranges from full ...Starting at $38.75
- Series SGY 2.5" Industrial Pressure Gage2.5" Industrial Pressure Gage employs an easy-open breather plug on ...Starting at $5.73
- Series SGZ 2.5" Industrial Pressure Gage2.5" Industrial Pressure Gage has an excellent chemical compatibilit ...Starting at $53.50
- Series UGK 2.5" Utility Pressure Gage2.5" Utility Pressure Gage is economical and have applications in ai ...Starting at $13.90
- Series UGJ Utility GageUtility Gage has a wide offering of ranges which are available from ...Starting at $3.45
- Series TRI2 Tridicator GageTridicator Gage comes in three different connection options includin ...Starting at $36.50
- Series SG5 Contractor GageContractor Gage has a large dial and compact design. Gages are light ...Starting at $25.50
- Series LPG5 2.5" Low Pressure Gage2.5" Low Pressure Gage is available with a bottom or back connection ...Starting at $45.50
- Series 765 Process Gage with Dampened MovementProcess Gage with Dampened Movement minimizes vibration without liquid ...